Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bye Bye Buying...

Hello Lovelies,
Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the first day of Lent. A lot of spiritual people celebrate this day as the beginning of a 40 day fast. Some give up bad habits, some take on good habits, but each person makes a sacrifice of some sort during these 40 days to honor our good friend Jesus.

Last year I gave up television and to say that was difficult is an understatement. Try walking into a friend's living room with a 60 in television and NOT looking at it, but I survived. I tried my best and it made me realize even more that cable is a rip off and now I live without it saving ~$100 / month.

This year I am challenging myself even further. I am giving up any and all unnecessary spending. For the next 40 days will not buy anything that is not a true need. This will require discipline...and with discipline there has to be rules.

So I have to define what my true needs are:
1. Food: Groceries and restaurant meals.
2. Shelter and Bills: Rent, Electric, Internet, Cellphone, Tithes, Daycare,
3. Transportation: Gas, and any car maintenance
4. Baby Needs: Diapers, Food, etc.

Anything outside this list will not be purchased for the next 40 days. No more shopping for clothes, shoes, toys, gadgets, make-up, purses , movie rentals, household accessories, or any of my beloved hair products.

So wish me luck and I will keep you guys updated on my progress. Jesus is love so spread some of that around people!!! :)
~Miss Vines

Monday, February 20, 2012


So I made a Veggie Breakfast Casserole this weekend.....

Here's how:

1 Sautee mushrooums, spinach, tomatoes and onions with a tablespoon of olive oil.

2 Pour sauteed vegetables into a mixing bowl with four eggs and one cup of cheddar cheese.

3 Place an unrolled layer of crescent rolls on the bottom of a baking dish and pour in your vegetable egg mix. Add any leftover dough to the top of the mixture

4. Bake for 30 minutes on 350 and you are DONE!

Easy Peasy! And its delish with maple syrup on it!!

Spread the love people!

~Miss Vines

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cookie Rehab...

Hi my name is Latia Vines and I am a certified cookie monster!!!!

My favorite type of cookies are the classic Shortbreads by the Girl Scouts which are also sometimes called Trefoils.

The fact that they aren't sold year-round or in stores makes them that much more of a treat!

I know you have a favorite too!
So spread some love and let me know what it is!
~Miss Vines