So for the past 3 weeks I have been rocking a protective style (i.e buns, twists, braids, sew-ins, etc). I have a sew-in and I love the ease and quickness of this hairstyle. I wake up most mornings, spritz my hair with conditioner mixed with water, shake and go!
So why the title you ask?? Well my natural chicas let me be the first to say the natural hair community is a loving and great group of women who encourage positive self esteem and support each other in so many ways. BUT it can get a little annoying when I get shady looks from other naturals just because I decide to rock long straight extensions or a different look for a little while.
ATTENTION NATURAL NAZIS: Natural hair is VERSATILE, which is why I love it so much!!!! I don't have to rock a twist out or afro everyday of my life just to feel good about exclaiming I LOVE MY NATURAL HAIR! This post is for all my naturals who rock weaves, wigs, blow-outs, and extensions depending on their mood. Don't ever feel guilty for wanting a bone straight look or a long silky are just as natural as the next one so there. I said it. It felt good too! I'm not defensive but I don't feel the need to convert everyone around me into giving up perms, what the next person decides to do to their hair is their remember today's life lesson: its just hair please chill.
Now that I got that off my chest, back to my sew-in :) lol. I used the Milky Way brand because while I would love to have the Virgin Indian Remi Deep Curly hair for 104.99 a pack (Christmas gift anyone lol) I really cant justify spending that much on hair...I just cant do it. So I get my Milky Way Water Weave 10 in and 8 inch packs and keep it moving for about $40.00! This hair really blends well with my natural texture that even my close friends cant even tell sometimes that its a weave!
This hair is not top quality so it will have some shedding and some tangling but at the end of the day I don't have to style my hair for 4-5 weeks, it's protected against the dry winter weather AND I always see growth when I take out my sew-ins especially when I oil my scalp regularly. So its a win-win protective style for me.
I also noticed how the Henna has slightly changed my hair color when I went to the Beauty Supply. I went from a 1B (Black) to a 2 (Dark Brown) after only two Henna I think this gives you a good idea about how Henna changes your hair color its very subtle but there is a difference.
Here is a pic of my sew-in I know its kinda hard to see my hair but I will post more. This is me and my friend Fab at a Holiday party:

Happy Holidays People and as always Spread Love!
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